The Thorn
I stood a mendicant* of God before His royal throne
And begged Him for a priceless gift, which I could call my own.
--by Martha Snell Nicholson
* “mendicant”= beggar
Perhaps a journal, perhaps a photo gallery; call it what you will, nevertheless, it is my life in words and in picture.
Posted by Paul M at 11:53 AM 0 thoughts, comments, criticisms, and complaints
This video clip summarizes a good portion of what has been on my heart. All of who God is pours over into our hearts; We worship Him; Missions exists because worship doesn't; Worship pours into love for others because we desire to see them worship the one true, amazing God. May we be mobilized to do as this group does! Also, pay attention to the music itself. I will be posting more about my thoughts on Worship and Social Justice. This video explains alot of what is in my heart.
Posted by Paul M at 12:29 AM 1 thoughts, comments, criticisms, and complaints
Tonight, I repented after 25 years of legalism and self-righteousness: I had my first sip of alcohol. I had a sip a "Cancun Cocktail" (which I must say, was pretty darn good!) and I ordered my first beer, a Sam Adams.
Why is this so important to me? A few reasons come to mind. Let me explain. I became a Christian in 1996, and since then, to me alcohol has always been associated with the "wrong". God didn't want his people to drink the "devil's juice" and to me, drinking equaled drunkeness, which was most definitely forbidden in scripture.
My father, who considers himself a Christian, took pride in the fact that he never had a sip of alcohol. He prided himself on the fact that he could be the life of the party without drinking. I envied that, and took his pride as righteousness. My grandfather on my mother's side, who unfortunately never came to know Christ before dying in 1996, never had a sip of alcohol in his life either. Again, I mistook his pride for righteousness. Both paraded this fact through my years growing up. It became righteous to not drink. Plain and simple.
So, in 1996 I came to know Christ at the age of 15 and never had an interest in drinking. (Especially before age 21!) But it was then that my legalistic and self-righteous mindset grew.
From then until now, secretly, in the back of mind, any Christian who drank alcohol was in some way backslidden. They were in the wrong and obviously missed the scriptures that stated "Thou shall not drink alcohol."
So why now?? Why after 25 years of believing that I was better than any person who drank alcohol amd I now repenting?
*Well, for starters, it came from a book. Mark Driscoll spent an entire chapter in his book "Radical Reformission" disputing this mindset of how evil and demonic people who drink alcohol are. Let's just say I was pretty convicted.
*Second, it came from a desire to be able to fellowship with my brothers and sisters and Christ who can enjoy a nice drink without getting drunk and can enjoy an awesome time of joy and fellowship talking about how amazingly wonderful our Creator is.
*Third, I can think of more times than I can count when co-workers have asked me to go out for drinks with them, and because, of course, I was better then them, I denied their request to fellowship with them. In doing so, I denied an opporunity to be "Christ" to them in that time.
*Fourth, Jesus drank wine at a wedding. He didn't turn the water into more water; he didn't turn it into juice; he turned it into wine. More wine. Why in the world then, should I believe that in me not drinking alcohol, that I could be more righteous then my Lord. Was my abstention from alcohol making me more holy than Him? Certainly not.
Posted by Paul M at 10:57 PM 4 thoughts, comments, criticisms, and complaints
Posted by Paul M at 10:11 PM 0 thoughts, comments, criticisms, and complaints
Posted by Paul M at 9:42 PM 0 thoughts, comments, criticisms, and complaints
Posted by Paul M at 7:00 PM 0 thoughts, comments, criticisms, and complaints
Thankfully, this past winter was a mild one, to say the least. And with that, spring time has arrived, and with this time of year comes the some of the most beautiful weather and scenery you can capture on film. I would consider myself and amateur photographer, but even that may be a stretch of the imagination.
Nevertheless, I find joy in capturing the beauty of God's creation on film. To try to capture the sheer wonder of the romance held in a spectacular sunset; the amazing colors that the Lord so evenly disburses through flowers; the beautiful contrast of greens and purples and yellows and reds on a beautiful sunny spring day; or perhaps the drama that a dark, storm-laden sky beholds; I find deep joy in trying to portray real-life imagery in a 4x6 piece of paper. It is quite a challenge, but one I feel is incredibly rewarding.
So with that in mind, my spring time photography has begun. Let us find joy in all of God's creation, whether it be in the stormy skies, the bright sun, a radiant flower, the dramatic mountain-scapes, or the beautiful green grass... the Lord has designed it all to portray just a miniscule glimpse of His majesty.
Posted by Paul M at 5:45 PM 0 thoughts, comments, criticisms, and complaints